Friday, June 20, 2008


another month since my last post... hard to believe that...

so; what's good out there? i'm living well... getting $$, bout to re-up, S. in good health; taking my puppies 4 walks... weezy dropped a new disc; C's won the title... bout to get an xBox... it's all good...

so what else? still listening to suede; still bumping Faure. Eastern Promises is fire; make sure you rent it; or else... if you rent, you'll buy... no question

tossing up who to let in; bfc? might be too major... the r'ship is still no go; on hold, no progress, no regress... just a holding pattern... congratulations to D$ & H_ for the engagement, sure they'll have a happy life together.

not thinking too much; too busy, too much work, not working @ work; work @ home; not working @ home, trying to hold it down for S. & even for J-; believe it or not, she was diagnosed with pneumonia. so that's why she has been so sick the past 2 months... a big F.U. for the haters otu there; except like i care given... she has pneumonia... man thats a trip!

so, bout to crash; not stopping to think, the less i think the better off i am...

one love